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[db:作者] 文档 2024-09-12 06:00:37 0


1、高考英语听力场景词汇1.餐馆bill账单Ill just have thebill, please.service charge服务费How much is yourservice charge?a newly opened restaurant新开的饭店order点餐I think were ready toorder.serve端上,摆出 (食物或饮料等)I wonder when our beef will beserved.take sbs order让某人点餐,点饮料I hope hetakes our order soon.read the menu看菜单Illread the m

2、enu first.full English breakfast全英式早餐;地道的英式早餐2.电影院sell out售完Im sorry, that show issold out.available可以买到的We do have ticketsavailable for that movie on those days.showing time放映时间book tickets订票adult ticket成人票student ticket学生票family ticket家庭票3.咖啡馆coffee bar咖啡馆商店;商场break兑开 (零钱)Can youbreak a fifty?chan

3、ge零钱Heres yourchange, 42 dollars.available可供选购的sell out售完bargain特价商品a reasonable price合理的价格Can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals ata reasonable price?on sale廉价出售pay in cash用现金支付discount打折chain stores连锁商店4.停车场the “No parking” sign“禁止停车”标志get fined被罚款5.机场a boarding card登机牌It

4、 says 7A on myboarding card.a window seat靠窗座位seat number座位号flight航班a boarding gate登机门;登机口take off起飞a non-stop flight直达航班Weve gota non-stop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25.Gate登机门;登机口a direct flight直达航班6.火车站platform站台delay推迟;延迟7.酒店;旅馆front desk前台You need to go to thefront desk to get another one (key)

5、.full board全食宿;half board 半食宿Do you wantfull board or half board?a single room= single单人间a double room= double双人间a twin room双床房housekeeping客房部reception前厅部service charge手续费,服务费But the price does include breakfast andservice charge is extra.luggage行李a wake-up call叫醒电话room service客房服务8.医院running nose流鼻

6、涕have a cold or flu得了感冒或流感have a health check做体检Mr Brown, is this your first time tohave a health check?have a thorough check-up全面体检a pet hospital宠物医院blood test验血shot注射clinic诊所;医务室;门诊部back pain背疼9.图书馆due到期Please make sure you return the book before itsdue.due days到期时间look for the information查询信息I suppose he


