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[db:作者] 文档 2024-11-07 18:00:19 0


1、海淀区2024 2025学年第一学期期中练习高三英语2024.11本试卷共10页,100分.考试时长90分仲,考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷匕作答 无效.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题纸一并交第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共10小题;句小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答 题纸I:将该项涂黑CIts 4:30 a.m.a nd th e ligh ts a re bla zing Ht Food Forwa rds wa rrh ousr.Forklifts wh iz a round th e loa di

2、ng dock,pulling pa llets of dona ted stra wberries off one truck or push ing boxes of pota toes onto a noth er h ea ded to I people la ter in th e da y.Everyth ing moves fa st a t Food Forwa rda nonprofit devoted to giving a wa y a gricnltnrnl products th a t would 2 be wa sted.Food FonvHni sta rted

3、 15 yea rs a go.Wh en wa ndering th rough h is neigh borh ood,Rick Na h mia s noticed a ll th e 3 frtiil on th e trees a nd considered h ow h r could ma ke th e best cf th em.Wh y not give th em to th ose in need?”Th en Na h miiis put a n a d online,a sking for volunteers to h elp h im pick unwa nte

4、d fruit for dona tion.Six people responded,but only one 4 a t th e first event.He persisted,a nd slowly,a n initia l core group formed.For I h e next nine month s th eyd ga th er on weekends,picking fruit a nd 5 th em to loca l food ba nks.In October 2009,Na h rnia s wa s offered a$25,000 gra nt,ena

5、 bling th eir weekend*funM to Ixx,oine regula r,wh ich eventua lly contributed to a susta ina ble 6 Th us Food Forwa rd wa s esta blish ed.Th e nonprofit quickly expa nded,collecting not only unwa nted residentia l fmil but a lso millions of pounds of unsold 7 from fa rmers ma rkets a nd wh olesa le

6、 sellers.In 2023,it 8 87 million pounds to feedth e sta n ing people.Toda y.Food Forwa rrl h a q 50 employees a nd 2,000 volunteers.People wa nt to work h ere.Every morning,wa reh ouse ma na ger,drivers a nd vendors greet ea ch nlh er h y na me,usua lly with h a ndAh a krs th a t end in h ugs.Th is kind of 9 is a la rge pa rt of wh y Food Fonva nl h a s n so succesdul.10 th e a bunda nce is not just a sloga n;it、h wa y of life.We a ll h a ve a bunda nce;we just need to find out wh a l it is,a nd


