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[db:作者] 文档 2025-01-07 22:01:45 0


1、高考英语读后续写主题语境高分词块和句子一、师生情谊【词块】1.a mixture of pride and affection(自豪与慈爱交织)2.a simple gesture(一个简单的动作)3.volumes of encouragement and trust(大量的鼓励与信任)4.a warm current(一股暖流)5.on the verge of giving up(濒临放弃)6.unwavering belief(坚定不移的信念)7.a haven filled with.一个充满 的避风港)8.detailed explanations and kind reminde

2、rs(详细的讲解和温馨的提醒)9.in the face of setbacks(面对挫折)10.strive for excellence(追求卓越)【句子】Standing on the podium, the teachers eyes were filled with a mixture of pride and affection as he looked at the students he had nurtured.站在讲台上,老师看着他所培养的学生,眼中满是自豪与慈爱交织的神情。With a gentle smile, the teacher patted the studen

3、ts shoulder, a simple gesture that conveyed volumes of encouragement and trust.老师带着温和的微笑,轻拍学生的肩膀,这个简单的动作传递了无尽的鼓励与信任。The teachers words, like a warm current, flowed through the students heart, melting away the anxiety and self-doubt.老师的话语如一股暖流,淌过学生的心田,融化了焦虑与自我怀疑。In the face of difficulties, the teach

4、er was always by the students side, like a lighthouse guiding them through the stormy sea of learning.面对困难时,老师总是在学生身边,就像一座灯塔,引领他们穿越学习的汹涌波涛。The students eyes sparkled with gratitude as he gazed at the teacher who had opened the door to a world of knowledge.学生凝视着为他打开知识大门的老师,眼中闪烁着感激之情。The teachers pati

5、ent explanation made the complex problem seem as clear as day to the confused student.老师耐心的讲解让困惑的学生觉得复杂的问题豁然开朗。When the student was on the verge of giving up, it was the teachers unwavering belief in him that reignited his fighting spirit.当学生濒临放弃时,是老师对他坚定不移的信任重新点燃了他的斗志。The teacher spent countless ho

6、urs after class tutoring the struggling student, his dedication shining through every minute.老师课后花费无数时间辅导成绩不佳的学生,他的奉献精神在每一分钟都熠熠生辉。A single word of praise from the teacher could make the students face beam with happiness for an entire day.老师的一句表扬能让学生一整天都喜笑颜开。The teachers library was always open to the students, a haven filled with the treasures of wisdom and inspiration.老师的书房总是对学生开放,那是一个充满智慧与灵感宝藏的避风港。As the fina


