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[db:作者] 文档 2025-01-12 20:06:14 0


1、高考英语读后续写必背高分佳句(一)1.I wandered aimlessly, feeling as if time was dragging on forever.我漫无目的地徘徊,仿佛时间在无尽地拖延。(描写“无聊”)2.He sat there, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the table, lost in boredom.他坐在那里,心不在焉地用手指敲着桌子,陷入无聊中。(描写“无聊”)3.She stood frozen, her jaw dropping as she struggled to comprehend what s

2、he had just heard.她呆站在原地,下巴掉了下来,难以理解刚刚听到的话。(描写“震惊”)4.A look of disbelief spread across his face, his mouth slightly agape.一脸难以置信的表情蔓延在他的脸上,嘴微微张开。(描写“震惊”)5.He scratched his head, staring blankly at the puzzle in front of him.他挠了挠头,茫然地盯着眼前的难题.(描写“疑惑、迷茫”)6.She glanced around, her eyes filled with confu

3、sion and uncertainty.她环顾四周,眼中充满了困惑和不确定。(描写“疑惑、迷茫”)7.Tears of gratitude filled her eyes as she tightly grasped his hand, saying, “I dont know how to thank you enough.”感激的泪水盈满了她的眼眶,她紧紧握住他的手,说:“我真的不知道该如何感谢你。”(描写“感谢”)8.Overwhelmed with thankfulness, he could hardly speak, his voice choked with emotion.被

4、感激之情淹没,他几乎说不出话来,声音哽咽。(描写“感谢”)9.The weight of despair pressed down on her shoulders, and she felt utterly powerless.绝望的重担压在她的肩上,她感到完全无力。(描写“绝望”的情绪 )10.As the reality set in, a wave of hopelessness washed over him, leaving him numb and defeated.当现实袭来,绝望的浪潮淹没了他,使他麻木而挫败。(描写“绝望”的情绪)11.With a steady breat

5、h, she closed her eyes and centered herself, letting calmness take over.她深吸一口气,闭上眼睛,集中精神,让自己冷静下来。(描写“冷静”的情绪)12.Remaining composed, he methodically went through his options, refusing to let panic take hold.保持冷静,他有条不紊地思考着各种选择,拒绝让恐慌占据心头。(描写“冷静”的情绪)13.His hands were clammy, and he kept glancing at the c

6、lock, his anxiety rising with each passing minute.他的手心湿漉漉的,不停地看着钟表,随着每一分钟的流逝,焦虑感愈发强烈。(描写“焦虑、紧张”的情绪)14.She paced back and forth, her mind racing with a thousand anxious thoughts.她在屋里来回踱步,脑海中焦虑的念头如潮水般涌来。(描写“焦虑、紧张”的情绪)15.His hands were clammy, and he kept glancing at the clock, his anxiety rising with each passing minute.他的手心湿漉漉的,不停地看着钟表,随着每一分钟的流逝,焦虑感愈发强烈。(描写“焦虑、紧张”的情绪)16.She paced back and forth, her mind racing with a thousand anx


