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[db:作者] 文档 2025-02-02 20:05:05 0


1、高考英语读后续写行为动作描写高分佳句1.他朝kapil竖起大拇指,接过盘子,开始大吃起来,脸上绽放着笑容。(独立主格)So, Devon thumbed up at Kapil, took over the plate and started to wolf, smile blossoming on his face.2.我们互相兴奋地看了一眼彼此之后,我开始教她 开始演示,这过程中,我耐心解释,清晰地示范。(无灵主语+定从)After exchanging thrilled glance, my teaching and demonstration process began, where

2、I explained patiently and demonstrated clearly.3.我眼含泪水 将纸币递到他手中 抱住他 声音颤抖地说,“谢谢,我对你的感激难以言表。”(独立主格 + 非谓结构 + 无灵主语)After I returned, tears surging in my eyes, I handed the shining note to my roommates hand and couldnt help spreading my arms around him, saying in a trembling voice, “words fail to express

3、 my appreciation. Thank you so much! Please keep it for yourself.”4. 她慢慢走向纸,扫视了一下大家的画,然后拿起画笔开始画,眼神逐渐有光,脸上有了笑容。(独立主格结构)She slowly stepped closer to the paper, took a glimpse of others drawing and finally picked up a crayon to draw, eyes gradually glittering and smile blossoming.5.他冲向女孩 在她面前蹲下来,温和地问。H

4、e rushed forward and squatted down in front of her, asking in a gentle voice, “How are you? It is my fault. I shouldnt have rejected you.”6.看到女孩又皱起眉头,他拍拍她的头,拿出手机将Facebook消息给她看,耐心地安慰说:“别担心,我已经通知你家人了。”Having noticed the returning frown on the girls forehead, Jeffrey patted on her head, pulled out his

5、phone and showed the Facebook message to her, consoling in patience, “Dont worry, I have informed your parents and they are on the way here.”7.听到这个令人兴奋的消息,她跳了起来,抱住他,兴奋地欢呼,咧嘴大笑。Hearing this exciting news, she instantly jumped up, spread arms around Jeffrey and exclaimed with extreme thrill, toothy sm

6、ile blossoming on her face.8.下车的是她的父母,他们快速走向她,上下打量一番,紧紧抱住她,眼里涌动着欣慰和喜悦的泪水。Getting off the car were the girls parents who rapidly approached her, eyed her from head to toe and hugged her tightly, tears of relief and delight rolling in her moms eyes.9.她关上门,瘫坐在床上,内心万分焦虑,心怦怦乱跳。She closed the door and collapsed on her bed, anxiety still torturing her and her heart still pounding.10.仿佛过了很久 她站起身 来到父母面前 颤抖着说了事实,并准备好面对父母的失望和严辞。After what seemed to be a cen


