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衡中同卷 2021-2022学年度上学期高三年级六调考试(全国B卷)英语试题

[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-03-07 16:01:03 0 衡中同卷

衡中同卷 2021-2022学年度上学期高三年级六调考试(全国B卷)英语试题,下面是衡中同卷 2021-2022学年度上学期高三年级六调考试(全国B卷)英语试题部分示例,验证如下:

衡中同卷 2021-2022学年度上学期高三年级六调考试(全国B卷)英语试题

27. What do the last two paragraphs mainly focus on?
A. What they have done to help local schools?
B. How kids have formed the habit of reading.
C. How Selah has turned her dream into realit?
D. The influence Selah and her parents have brought.

A new study shows that underwater seagrass may be trapping millions of pieces of tiny marine plastic in natural balls of fiber in what is known as Neptune balls. Huge masses of seagrass make up most of the coastal waters around the world and when there are storms these balls are washed to the shores?
There are 70 different species of seagrass around the globe, which provide important ecosystem benefits including improving water quality, Ding COz, reducng climate change, as well as providing a habitat for many species Now ocean pollution clean-up can be added to the list

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