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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-06 21:08:46 0 安徽省2024年初中毕业学业考试模拟x





B41 forThe world is quite big and it's worth visiting the fantastic parts. Some of you must be 41big cities with places of interest. Have you ever heard of“reverse travel”(反向旅游) ?It meanstravelers 42 less popular places to the well-known ones.Surprisingly, this year s ees the 43 number of tourists who fall in love with some small andfar places. For example, Rizhao, He gang, Leshan and Han zhong draw the 44 of young tourists.Making about 70 percent, most of the m are born in 1990 or 2000. A peaceful mind and relaxing walkare what they're trying to 45. Inside feelings mean a lot more than other things.No reason, no result. In recent years, the recommending activities(商业推广) on the Internetplaccatch lots of people by 46 rich pictures and videos. It makes those small and far places 4isWhat’s more, three advantages of reverse travel are not doubtful. First, you can buy the ticketsmost 48. Second, the service in the hotels is 49. Third, also most importantly, these placescreate new things for tourists to find out and 50According to the experts, travelers now play a role in deciding the development of tourism(旅游业).( ) 41.A.thirsty B.sick C.painful D.careless( ) 42. A. give B.connect C.prefer D.comp are( ) 43.A.droping B.increasing C.falling D.ending( ) 44.A.sense B.goal C.role D.attention( ) 45.A. achieve B.break C.regret D.prevent( ) 46.A.cutting out B.showing off C.taking down D.making up( ) 47.A.famous B.dirty C.poor D.awful( ) 48.A.suddenly B.quickly C.wisely D.gradually( ) 49.A.satisfying B.hopeless C.dangerous D.terrible( ) 50.A.throw B.experience C.refuse D.solve


3.Which of the following satisfies the man?A. The kitchen. B.The bedroom. C.The bathroom.


