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[db:作者] 文档 2024-06-01 06:03:29 0


1、高考英语读后续写构造动作链句式讲解和练习一、知识讲解句式一:主语+动作A+动作B and 动作C (三个并列谓语,动作依次发生)【示例】歌手瞥一眼观众,深呼吸一下,就开始唱起来。The singerglancedat the audience,tooka deep breathandbeganto sing.仿写1:He took a taxi to the police station.翻译他拦下一辆的士,拿着手提箱跳进去冲着司机说,“去”改写Hestoppeda taxi,jumpedin with the suitcaseandtoldthe driver, “Go to the pol

2、ice station, please.”仿写2:The boys jumped into the lake to play.翻译男孩们兴奋地跑到湖边,脱下衣服,跳入湖中玩耍。改写The boys excitedlyrushedto the lake, quicklytookoff their clothesandjumpedinto the water to play.仿写3:She hugged her son tightly.翻译她冲上前,跪下,把儿子抱在怀里。改写Shedashedforward without hesitation,kneltdownandgatheredher so

3、n into her arms tightly.仿写4:I rushed home to get the cotton cat.翻译我冲回家,翻遍我收集的帽子,拿起那顶棉质的。改写Irushedhome,searchedthrough my collection of hatsandgrabbedthe cotton one.仿写5:She looked at the trophy and thanked TUNTUN.翻译她先看一下奖杯,深吸一口气,说道:“谢谢吞吞!”改写Sheglancedat the trophy,tooka deep breathandsaid,“Thank TUNT

4、UN!”仿写6:Mac jumped off the bicycle to shut the door.翻译麦克毫不犹豫跳下自行车,冲向车的后门,猛然地关上车门。改写Macjumpedoff the bicycle without any hesitation,dashedto the back doorandslammedthe door heavily.仿写7:I went to school in a hurry this morning.翻译我早上匆忙穿上大衣,抓起书包,骑着自行车匆忙去上学了。改写Ipulledon my coat hurriedly,grabbedmy school

5、bagandcycledto school this morning.仿写8:My mum gave fifty dollars to the poor old man.翻译妈妈打开钱包,拿出五十元钱,递给那个贫困的老人。改写My momopenedthe purse,tookout fifty dollarsandhandedit to the poor old man.仿写9:She picked up the photo and placed it into the album.翻译她拿起照片,盯着看一会儿,仔细放进相册里。改写Shepickedup the photo,staredat

6、 it for a whileandplacedit cautiously into the album.仿写10:Jimmy quickly threw the meat at the fierce wolf.翻译吉米快速拿出肉,瞄准,径直朝凶猛的狼扔过去。改写Jimmy quicklypulledout the meat,aimedat the wolfandthrewit straight to the fierce animal.句式二:Having done, 主谓宾(表示先做了某事,再发生核心动作)【示例】在银行排队等了一个小时后,这个女人变得不耐烦,然后离开了。Having waite


