装On a hot sumer day, a panda finds a tent.“It will be cool there, ”he says to himself and gets into it.“Hey, Dog! Come and see the tent I find, ”says the panda, “It is a cool place!”“Thank you,says the dog, and he gets into the tent.“Hey, Cat!”the panda and the dog say. “Come and see our tent. It is great here. “Thank you, ”says the cat and he gets into the tent.“Hey, Rabbit!”they say, “Come into our tent and have fun!”“Thank you, ”says the rabbit.____“Hello, Elephant!” the panda, the dog, the cat and the rabbit say, “We would like to ask you tocome into our tent, but there is no more space. We ar e very sorry.”“I am sory, "says the elephant.“ You see, this is not a tent. It is my hat, but that’s oK.friends, ”says the elephant, “You can use it.”( ) 48.Who finds the tent first?A. The cat.____B. The panda. C. The dog.____D. The rabbit.
19.What can people find in the second part of the magazine?AA. Articles about local people.B. Reviews of famous works of art.t.C.Advice on local business development.