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[db:作者] 文档 2024-07-02 20:07:43 0


1、高考英语读后续写情景描写素材一、流泪1.句型流泪是读后续写常见情景之一,主人公会因为开心、激动、感激、害怕等等情绪而流下泪水。而在表达哭泣时,使用频率最高则是cry一词,稍显单调。句型1: sb.shed tears of+情绪名词:某人流下.泪水按照汉语思维,我们常会想到其实就是“流下眼泪”这个表达,而这个对应的英语表达就是句型1。shed【流】,过去式、过去分词不变。如:The movie was so touching that I couldnt help shedding tears of warmth.电影如此动人,我忍不住流下感动的泪水。句型2:Tears of +名词 blur

2、red/misted ones eyes/vision.的泪水模糊了某人的双眼/视野。【提示】使用该句型时,可根据情节发展,添加一个辅助性信息,即一个导火索,引出主人公的情绪。如:As she lost her chance to be admitted to the team, tears of frustration blurred/misted her eyes/vision.当她失去被选进球队的机会时,沮丧的泪水模糊了她的双眼/视野。句型3:Beads of +形+tears rolled down/streamed down/ran through/trickled downones

3、 cheeks/face .的泪珠从某人脸上落下【提示】上述表示“落下/流下”的短语传递意思虽有偏差,但异曲同工,可自行选择。如: Beads of grateful tears rolled down/streamed down/ran through/trickled down his cheeks/face the moment he was saved from rapid torrents.就在他从奔流中解救出来时,感激的泪珠从他的脸上落下。句型4:sb.be close to/be on the edge of tears.几乎要哭了。【提示】不一定每次都要写“哭了”,有时候“欲哭

4、但忍住”或是“眼泪打转”反而更动情。此外,除了这两表达外,还有两个较高难度的词也表达“将要,处于.边缘”之意,就是“be on the verge/brink of”。如:She was on the edge of tears when she heard the disappointing news.当她听到令人失望的消息时,她几乎要哭了。Jerry was on the verge of tears in the face of the dark forest.独自一人面对这黑压压的森林,Jerry 几乎快要哭了。2.实战演练根据上述句型,翻译下列句子。1.直到他意识到自己的谎言时,他流

5、下了后悔的泪水。2.看到祖父心爱的手表摔坏了,伤心的泪水模糊了Peter的视野。3.看到父母为她精心准备的生日礼物,喜悦的泪珠从她脸颊上落下。4.多次失败和数不清的困难折磨着她,她几乎快要哭出来了。【keys】1.It was not until he realized his lie that he shed tears of regret.2.At the sight of grandpas cherised watch broken, tears of sadness blurred Peters vision.3.Beads of joyful tears trickled down

6、her cheeks when she saw the birthday gift carefully prepared by parents.4.Repeated failures and countless difficulties gnawing at her, she was on the edge of tears.二、困难在应用文中,有时需要描述学习或生活中遇到的问题。这类话题常出现在建议信、求助信或投诉信等文体上。公式1What+动词+sb.most+be+名词/that 从句让某人最烦恼/担忧/失望的是适用该句式的相关动词有annoy(使恼火)、 trouble/bother(困扰)、 worry /concern(使担心)、 disappoint(使失望)、 upset(沮丧)例:What disappoints me most is


