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[db:作者] 文档 2024-07-11 08:00:17 0


1、高考英语语法复习一、并列句并列句是由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句构成的。这些简单句常由并列连词连在一起。并列连词所连接的简单句被称为分句。常见的并列连词考查重点(描红)彼此关系并列连词例句表示递进或顺承关系and, not only.but (also).等Not onlyis he very fast,buthes (also) got marvellous technique.表示选择关系or, either.or.等Eitheryou must improve your workorI shall dismiss you.表示转折关系but, yet, whereas等Its tr

2、ue that he is young,buthe is experienced and responsible.表示因果关系:so, for等I did not go to work yesterday,forI was not feeling well.表示“那时,这时”whenWe were about to leavewhensomeone knocked at the door.表示对比:“而,却”whileTheres plenty of rain in the southeast,whiletheres little in the northeast.【典例2】The Hangz

3、hou Asian Games opening ceremony was a feast2 (for) the senses, with stunning visuals, innovative performances,a moving tribute (致敬) to the history and culture of Asia.【详解】and 考查连词。句意杭州亚运会开幕式是一场感官盛宴,令人惊叹的视觉效果,创新的表演,以及对亚洲历史和文化的感人致敬。结合句意可知,“innovative performances”和“a moving tribute”之间是并列关系,应用连词and连接。

4、故填and。【变式2-1】The whodunits may be imaginary,they provide a real-world alternative for young Chinese people who spend increasing amounts of time on their screens.【详解】but 考查并列连词。句意:这些侦探小说可能是虚构的,但它们为在屏幕上花费越来越多时间的中国年轻人提供了一个现实世界的选择。由句意可知,“imaginary”和“a real-world alternative”之间构成转折关系,所以空处填连词but。故填but。【变式

5、2-2】It is not only a means of communication,a means of expressing a persons inner world in2 (an) aesthetic way.【详解】but 考查固定句型。句意:它不仅是一种交流手段,也是一种以审美方式表达一个人内心世界的手段。Not onlybut (also),意为“不仅而且”,符合句意,故填but。【变式2-3】Conor adds that AllotMents 2.0 will focus on encouraging hosts to think about how the platfo

6、rm can enable9 (their) space to work for them, whether thats earning money to spend on other things, managing outdoor space they canthelping the environment through passive sustainability.【详解】or 考查并列连词。句意:Conor补充说,AllotMents 2.0将专注于鼓励主人思考该平台如何让他们的空间为他们工作,无论是赚钱花在其他事情上,管理他们无法管理的户外空间,还是通过被动可持续性来帮助环境。本处用固定短语whetheror,表示“无论还是”;故填or。【


