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[db:作者] 文档 2024-09-07 13:06:56 0 河北省2025届高三复习备考检测卷x





Mary was waiting for the plane to take off. She got aoff. She got a 31 by herself. Just then,____an air hostess 32 her and asked, “Could you please 33 u please 33 your seat? A man would________like to sit with his wife. ”Mary felt 34 because the only seat was next to a girl with____her arms broken, a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression.“I d on't want to sitthere.”Mary thought . 35 the air hostess said, “The girl needs help.”36 ,____Mary moved to that seat.The girl was named Emily. She was huurt a car accident and now was on her wayfor treatment. When the snacks and juice arrived, Mary realized that Emily could not337herself. Mary considered offering to feed her but hesitated(犹豫) , as it seemedtoo impolite to offer a 38 to a stranger. But then Mary realized that Emily's need____was more important.Mary offered to help her 39.Although Emily was uncomfortable to accept,she agreed. They became closer and closer in a short time. Mary was very 40 thatshe had sat next to Emily and fed her. After the five-hour trip, Mary's he art waswarm, and she had a pleasant time.Love always goes around us. We should help people in need, and our world willbecome more and more wonderful.A B.cake(31..A. seat C.book D.tool.A. got o uu t o逃壁B. took care of 近32.C.came up toD.got on with)) 33A. check B.repair C.clean D.changeB34.A.unhappy B.unlucky C.unusual D.uncrowded35. A. If B.But C.So D.Or( A36.A. Finally B.Certainly C.Loudly D. Differently( B3737. A. wash B.feed C.believe D. understand) 38. A. decision B.way C. job D.service39. A.eat B.exercise C.rest D.stand



