1、高考英语读后续写主题语境词块和句子1.a snapshot in time(时间的快照)2.sparkled with an innocent and curious glimmer(闪烁着天真好奇的光芒)3.spread its broad wings(展开宽阔的翅膀)4.scanned the vast expanse(扫视广袤区域)5.leaped gracefully(优雅地跳跃)6.curled up into a ball(蜷缩成一团)7.a deep bond of trust and affection(深厚的信任与感情纽带)8.a warm and cozy atmosphe
2、re(温暖舒适的氛围)9.a riot of colors(缤纷的色彩)10.a coat as soft as velvet(如天鹅绒般柔软的毛)11.通过这次经历,我学会了勇敢,直面挑战。Through this experience, I have learned to be brave and face challenges head-on.12.这件事让我意识到坚持是成功的关键。This incident made me realize that perseverance is the key to success.13.通过我所经历的艰难困苦,我变得更加明智和理解他人。I have
3、 grown wiser and more understanding through the hardships I have endured.14.这段旅程教会了我要有韧性,从失败中恢复过来。The journey has taught me to be resilient and bounce back from failures.15.我开始明白错误是成长的垫脚石。I have come to understand that mistakes are stepping stones to growth.16.这次冒险帮助我发现了自己内心的力量和勇气。This adventure has