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[db:作者] 文档 2025-01-29 22:01:28 0


1、高考英语读后续写主题语境词块和句子1.a snapshot in time(时间的快照)2.sparkled with an innocent and curious glimmer(闪烁着天真好奇的光芒)3.spread its broad wings(展开宽阔的翅膀)4.scanned the vast expanse(扫视广袤区域)5.leaped gracefully(优雅地跳跃)6.curled up into a ball(蜷缩成一团)7.a deep bond of trust and affection(深厚的信任与感情纽带)8.a warm and cozy atmosphe

2、re(温暖舒适的氛围)9.a riot of colors(缤纷的色彩)10.a coat as soft as velvet(如天鹅绒般柔软的毛)11.通过这次经历,我学会了勇敢,直面挑战。Through this experience, I have learned to be brave and face challenges head-on.12.这件事让我意识到坚持是成功的关键。This incident made me realize that perseverance is the key to success.13.通过我所经历的艰难困苦,我变得更加明智和理解他人。I have

3、 grown wiser and more understanding through the hardships I have endured.14.这段旅程教会了我要有韧性,从失败中恢复过来。The journey has taught me to be resilient and bounce back from failures.15.我开始明白错误是成长的垫脚石。I have come to understand that mistakes are stepping stones to growth.16.这次冒险帮助我发现了自己内心的力量和勇气。This adventure has

4、 helped me discover my inner strength and courage.17.我学会了在需要的时候独立并依靠自己。I have learned to be independent and rely on myself in times of need.18.通过困难,我变得更加自信和有把握。Through difficulties, I have become more confident and self-assured.19.这件事让我对他人更加耐心和理解。This event has made me more patient and understanding

5、 of others.20.由于这次经历,我在智慧和成熟度上有所成长。I have grown in wisdom and maturity as a result of this experience.21.这个挑战教会了我要足智多谋,找到解决问题的方法。The challenge has taught me to be resourceful and find solutions to problems.22.我学会了拥抱变化,适应新情况。I have learned to embrace change and adapt to new situations.23.通过这次旅程,我发现了决

6、心和努力工作的力量。Through this journey, I have discovered the power of determination and hard work.24.我变得对他人更有同情心和同理心。I have become more compassionate and empathetic towards others.25.这次经历让我对自己的行为更加负责。This experience has made me more responsible and accountable for my actions.26.我变得更强大,更有能力处理困难。I have grown stronger and more capable of handling difficulties.27.这件事教会了我要谦虚,向他人学习。The incident has taught me to be humbl


