1、高考英语读后续写细节描写高分佳句1.当Sara 打开礼物,发现一张去自己梦想中的目的地的机票时,她无法抑制自己的兴奋。Sara couldnt contain her excitement as she opened the gift and discovered a plane ticket to her dream destination.2.当Steve 听到这个令人满意的结果后,一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上了心头。 After Steve learned the satisfactory result,a sense of joy and happiness swept over/floo
2、ded over/crowed in on him,3.Jack 和Berlin 各自给了奶奶一个大大的拥抱,然后兴冲冲地奔向客厅,激动地大喊: “爷爷,我们回来了!”爷爷一看到孙子,满心欢喜/高兴得不得了。Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the dining room,shouting excitedly “Grandpa,we are back!”Seeing his Grandsons,Gandpa was seized by joy/was overcome with happiness.4.L
3、ast night, I couldnt fall asleep ,tossing and turning in bed for a whole night .(无法入睡,一整晚上在床上辗转反侧). When I stood backstage,a wave of nevousness flooded over me(我突然感到一阵紧张). When my name was called, I felt butterflies in my stomach(忐忑不安). I could feel my palms sweating and heart racing wildly(我的掌心在冒汗,