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[db:作者] 文档 2025-03-02 20:03:49 0


1、高考英语读后续写细节描写高分佳句1.当Sara 打开礼物,发现一张去自己梦想中的目的地的机票时,她无法抑制自己的兴奋。Sara couldnt contain her excitement as she opened the gift and discovered a plane ticket to her dream destination.2.当Steve 听到这个令人满意的结果后,一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上了心头。 After Steve learned the satisfactory result,a sense of joy and happiness swept over/floo

2、ded over/crowed in on him,3.Jack 和Berlin 各自给了奶奶一个大大的拥抱,然后兴冲冲地奔向客厅,激动地大喊: “爷爷,我们回来了!”爷爷一看到孙子,满心欢喜/高兴得不得了。Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the dining room,shouting excitedly “Grandpa,we are back!”Seeing his Grandsons,Gandpa was seized by joy/was overcome with happiness.4.L

3、ast night, I couldnt fall asleep ,tossing and turning in bed for a whole night .(无法入睡,一整晚上在床上辗转反侧). When I stood backstage,a wave of nevousness flooded over me(我突然感到一阵紧张). When my name was called, I felt butterflies in my stomach(忐忑不安). I could feel my palms sweating and heart racing wildly(我的掌心在冒汗,

4、心怦怦直跳)Breath deeply, (深呼吸), I tried to keep calm(保持冷静), but my mind went blank(我的大脑一片空白).5.一看到那只狼,我就被一种强烈的恐怖感控制,手心冒汗。At the sight of the wolf.I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palm were sweating.6.昨天晚上我梦到被一条疯狗追,吓得我心都提到嗓子眼了。 Last night ,I dreamed about being chased by an angry dog,I rea

5、lly had my heart in my mouth.7.她浑身颤抖,感觉如坐针毡。She trembled all over , feeling like sitting on pins and needles.8.那是去年发生在学校的一件事,却至今仍让我记忆犹新,令我感动不已。 It was an event that happened in the school last year, but it now still fresh in my mind and keep me touched all the time9.我们僵住了,好像生了根似的呆在原地,惊讶地长大了嘴巴。 We fr

6、oze , as if rooted to the spot ,our mouths dropping/hanging open in surprise/astonishment/shock/amazement .10.当她的朋友和家人们大声喊出“Surprise!”的时候,她惊掉了下巴。她瞪大了眼睛,惊讶得双手本能地捂住了嘴巴。Her jaw dropped in astonishment as her friends and the family shouted Surprise! Her eyes widened and her hands instinctively covered her mouth in astonishment.11.终于,他再也无法抑制自己的愤怒,他气冲冲地走出房间,砰的一声愤怒地把身后的门关上。Eventually,he unable to control /contain his anger, he stormed out of the room,sla


