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[db:作者] 文档 2025-03-05 20:07:10 0

《高中英语2025届高考写作高级词汇系列0228(concerning + overwhelmed + consistent + accumulate)》,以下展示关于《高中英语2025届高考写作高级词汇系列0228(concerning + overwhelmed + consistent + accumulate)》的相关内容节选,更多内容请多关注我们网站

1、高考英语写作高级词汇一、desperatelydesperately 拼命地;绝望地【意思与用法】Desperately 是副词,表示“拼命地”,“绝望地”,用来形容某人或某种行为在极度的需要、渴望或紧急情况下进行,通常带有强烈的情感色彩,指一个人处于非常迫切、几乎没有选择的状态。常用短语结构:1.Desperately need:极度需要2.Desperately try:拼命尝试3.Desperately want:极度想要4.Desperately search:拼命寻找5.Desperately hope:绝望地希望6.Desperately seek:拼命寻求【例句】1.She de

2、sperately wanted to finish her homework before the deadline.她拼命想在截止日期之前完成作业。2.The students desperately tried to solve the difficult math problem.学生们拼命尝试解答那个难度极大的数学题。3.He was desperately searching for his lost keys in the school yard.他在学校操场上拼命寻找丢失的钥匙。4.I desperately need to pass the exam to get into

3、a good high school.我极度需要通过考试,才能进入一所好的高中。5.She desperately hoped to get the first prize in the school competition.她绝望地希望在学校比赛中获得一等奖。6.The teacher could see that the student was desperately trying to understand the lesson.老师看到学生拼命地努力理解课文。7.He desperately wanted to impress his friends with his new proj

4、ect.他拼命想用自己的新项目给朋友们留下深刻印象。8.Many students in China desperately seek extra tutoring to prepare for exams.许多中国学生拼命寻求课外辅导来为考试做准备。9.She was desperately trying to keep up with the fast pace of the class.她拼命地努力跟上课堂的快节奏。10.After the long day at school, I desperately needed some rest.在学校度过漫长的一天后,我极度需要休息。11.

5、During the school play, he desperately hoped his performance would be perfect.在学校话剧中,他绝望地希望自己的表现能完美无缺。12.He was desperately searching for a way to solve the group project problem.他拼命寻找解决小组项目问题的方法。13.I desperately want to do well in the upcoming exams.我极度想在即将到来的考试中表现好。14.The team desperately tried to

6、 win the game, but they lost in the final moments.团队拼命尝试赢得比赛,但他们在最后时刻输了。15.In Chinese culture, people desperately hope for good luck during the Chinese New Year.在中国文化中,人们在春节期间拼命地希望能有好运。二、overwhelmedoverwhelmed 压倒性的;无法应对的【意思与用法】Overwhelmed 是形容词,表示“压倒性的”,“无法应对的”,通常用来描述某人因为面对太多任务、问题、情绪或压力而感到无力应对、 overwhelmed 或感到极度困扰。它可以用于描述情感上的压迫感,也可以表示某种情况超出了个人的控制范围。常用短语结构:1.Be overwhelmed with work:被工作压得喘不过气来2.


