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[db:作者] 文档 2024-02-18 20:03:15 0


1、高考英语读后续写实义动词一、打1.Hit: 打击,猛击Example: He hit the ball with all his strength.(他用尽全力打了那个球。)2.Strike: 击打,打击Example: The boxer delivered a powerful strike to his opponent.(拳击手给了对手一记有力的打击。)3.Punch: 拳击,重击Example: He threw a punch at his opponents face.(他向对手的脸上打出一拳。)4.Beat: 打败,击败Example: Our team beat their

2、opponents in the final match.(我们的队在决赛中击败了对手。)5.Smack: 掴击,重击Example: He smacked the table in frustration.(他失望地重击了桌子。)6.Slap: 掌击,巴掌Example: She slapped him on the face for making an offensive remark.(她因为他说了冒犯性的话而给了他一个巴掌。)7.Whack: 猛击,重击Example: He whacked the ball out of the park.(他猛击了球将其击出了球场。)8.Strik

3、e out: 出局,失败Example: He struck out in his attempt to win the competition.(他在试图赢得比赛时失败了。)9.Clobber: 痛击,猛击Example: The boxer clobbered his opponent with a powerful punch.(拳击手用强有力的拳头痛击了对手。)10.Thrash: 痛打,重击Example: The bully thrashed his victim mercilessly.(恶霸无情地痛打了他的受害者。)11.Beat up: 殴打,打伤Example: The g

4、ang beat up the innocent bystander.(那帮人殴打了无辜的旁观者。)12.Wallop: 猛击,重击Example: He walloped the ball with great force.(他用巨大的力量猛击了球。)13.Sock: 击打,重击Example: He socked the bully in the face to defend himself.(为了自卫,他向恶霸的脸上重击了一拳。)14.Bop: 敲打,轻拍Example: She bopped him playfully on the head.(她调皮地在他的头上轻轻拍了一下。)15.

5、Wham: 猛击,重击Example: The car crashed into the wall with a loud wham.(汽车发出巨大的撞击声撞向墙壁。)16.Clout: 重击,猛击Example: He used all his strength to clout the baseball.(他用尽全力击打棒球。)17.Sock it to: 痛击,猛击Example: He socked it to his opponent, knocking him down.(他狠狠击中了对手,把对方击倒。)18.Pop: 轻拍,轻弹Example: She popped him on

6、 the shoulder to get his attention.(她轻拍了一下他的肩膀以引起他的注意。)19.Rap: 敲打,重击Example: He rapped his knuckles on the table to get everyones attention.(为了引起大家的注意,他用指关节敲打桌子。)20.Biff: 重击,猛击Example: He biffed his opponent in the ring, knocking him out.(在拳击赛场上,他猛击了对手,将其击倒。)二、走1.Walk: 步行,走路Example: I enjoy taking a walk in the park every morning.(我喜欢每天早上在公园散步。)2.Go: 前往,走Example: Lets go to the beach this weekend.(这个


