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[db:作者] 文档 2025-02-06 00:03:45 0


1、高考英语读后续写主题语境高分词块和句子一、遇困脱险【词块】1.pitch-dark cave(漆黑的洞穴)2.a sense of claustrophobia(幽闭恐惧之感)3.vast and desolate desert(广袤荒凉的沙漠)4.a glimmer of determination(一丝决心)5.think rationally(理性思考)6.a hidden passage(隐藏的通道)7.a strange marking(奇怪的标记)8.a window of opportunity(机会窗口)9.newfound energy(新的能量)10.a test of m

2、y resilience(对我韧性的考验)【句子】Trapped in the pitch-dark cave, with the walls closing in on me and only a faint glimmer of light from my dying flashlight, a sense of claustrophobia and dread overwhelmed me.被困在漆黑的洞穴里,墙壁仿佛向我逼近,仅有的手电筒微弱光线也逐渐消逝,幽闭恐惧和恐惧之感将我淹没。Stranded in the middle of the vast and desolate des

3、ert, under the scorching sun that seemed to drain every ounce of energy from my body, I was facing a desperate situation with no sign of rescue in sight.被困在广袤荒凉的沙漠中央,在炽热的太阳下,它似乎耗尽了我身体的每一丝能量,我面临着绝境,看不到救援的迹象。Caught in the violent storm at sea, the small boat was tossed around like a toy, with waves cr

4、ashing over the sides and threatening to capsize it at any moment.在海上遭遇猛烈风暴,小船像玩具一样被抛来抛去,海浪拍打着船舷,随时可能将其掀翻。My heart was pounding wildly as I contemplated the seemingly insurmountable odds against me, but a glimmer of determination flickered within me, refusing to give up.当我思考着看似无法克服的困境时,我的心疯狂地跳动,但内心有

5、一丝决心闪烁,不愿放弃。Fear gnawed at my insides, yet I forced myself to stay calm and think rationally, knowing that panic would only make the situation worse.恐惧啃噬着我的内心,但我强迫自己保持冷静并理性思考,因为我知道恐慌只会让情况更糟。Doubt crept into my mind, wondering if I had the strength and the skills to survive this ordeal, but then I re

6、membered past challenges I had overcome and drew inspiration from them.怀疑悄悄潜入我的脑海,不知道自己是否有力量和技能度过这场磨难,但随后我想起了过去克服的挑战并从中汲取了灵感。Scanning the surroundings with a desperate hope, I searched for any possible way out, my eyes straining to detect a hidden passage or a sign of safety.怀着绝望的希望扫视周围环境,我寻找任何可能的出路,眼睛努力探寻隐藏的通道或安全的迹象。I rummaged through my backpack, hoping to find something useful, a tool or a device that could help me signal for help or i


